The Super- Sons

The Simpsons Come On Down To make a video flash movie after Matt Groening gets sued, barts hair grows, Homers Beard Leaves, And MORE! An Awesome flash you CANT MISS!!!!!

                            Regular Flash Movies

High School Never Ends

My First Flash Movie Involving Music, High school NEVER ENDS, trust me.....Yeah.......


But A Flash Cannot Show You How painful School Is, I made this cuz school Is starting VerY SOON!!! Enjoy!

The Bombe Cube

A shortie but goodie :)


I slaved over my computer for a while and made this! I think its pretty good!


(p.s. I know how to spell Bomb I called it bombe cuz its cooler!!!)

Click here for a new flash update!

Summer Nights!!

I worked on this for a lllllllllllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggg time! 2 months!!! Can you believe it???

Its a music video from my favorite musical known as Grease.

The song is called summer nights.